Rhythm and energy are the forces that move and drive the world. Our world at Jauch is particularly influenced by these impulses. Frequency control products and battery solutions determine our everyday life and give us rhythm and energy every day. Above all, our employees are the factors which make Jauch a very special company.

In our blog we will take you on a journey through our products, employees and the Jauch corporate culture to give you exciting insights behind the scenes of the Jauch Group. We look forward to sharing with you!

Headerpicture with a close up of the hair and quartzblank and title of the article

Let’s start this blog post with a little quiz: Guess for yourself – the solution will come in the text. How thick is a quartz blank of 40 MHz? As thick as.. A: a fingernail B: a normal sheet of printer paper C: one hair Guess for yourself – the solution will come in the

primary lithium batteries from Jauch and title of the article

Lithium batteries are one of the most widely used types of batteries and serve a variety of applications, including electronic devices and energy storage. We know these batteries mainly from our smartphones, wearables, or cars, which we can recharge time and again. However, there are battery chemistries with lithium that cannot be recharged. These include,

Futuristische Uhr

It is Monday morning at 9:30 am. A selling order is placed on the exchange. Immediately after, two buying orders arrive for it. But there can only be one buyer. Who was faster and is eligible? How is fairness assured, and guaranteed without any risk of collision? The trading of shares determines the actions on

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Zwei Personen mit mobilem EEG auf dem Kopf.

Electroencephalography, or EEG for short, is a methodology for measuring tiny brain signals that are quite difficult to capture. You can likely imagine how these tests look like: Participants have electrodes and lots of cables around their heads while being in a lab. However, these complex systems cannot measure the human brain in the natural

moderne grün schimmernde Batterie

Clattering coins, a line of people, and pattering rain: a run-of-the-mill evening scenario in front of a yellow telephone booth. These previously offered the only opportunity to check in with family or friends while on the go. Nowadays, the 140-year era of the telephone booth has come to an end—the smartphone already sealed its fate

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In minimally invasive interventions, it is very important to work as accurately as possible. The motorized arm for the positioning and holding of medical equipment from the Austrian company Interventional Systems (INS) supports doctors during these interventions. Powered by a Jauch battery, it makes positioning and repositioning instruments easier than ever while keeping them steady.

In developing an electronic assembly, one of the steps involved includes choosing the appropriate frequency control product. The basic question at the outset is whether to install a quartz crystal or an oscillator. To reach the right decision, several parameters need to be considered. These include the many different requirements of the application, the device,

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Produktmanagerin Leonie Weißer und Ingenieur Mathias Laskus schauen sich eine Leiterplatte genau an. Im Hintergrund sind ein Bildschirm und ein Oszilloskop zu sehen.

For several years now the term ‘Internet of Things’ has been in common parlance. Devices that are part of the ‘IoT’ can communicate with each other wirelessly. This is generally achieved using current standards such as WiFi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, and 5G. The Internet of Things also changes the requirements placed on the devices themselves. Today

Headerbild INS

In minimally invasive interventions, it is very important to work as accurately as possible. The motorized arm for the positioning and holding of medical equipment from the Austrian company Interventional Systems (INS) supports doctors during these interventions. Powered by a Jauch battery, it makes positioning and repositioning instruments easier than ever while keeping them steady.

CAD Zeichnung der Bodeneinheit für das Steasy Batteriepack

There was recently a post on this blog regarding our 3D printer used for making samples and prototypes. The 3D printer allows both our customers and us to enjoy speed and flexibility in various process steps. For instance, this is true for the start-up Steasy®: We printed a mount designed to hold the start-up’s custom

Header: Ein Batteriepack für XSPECTER

Founded in October – and on the market within just six months: Start-up XSPECTER has its T-CROW XRII to thank for this success. The product behind this futuristic name is a special tripod for thermal imaging and night vision cameras. The product: A controllable 3D-printed camera tripod The T-CROW XRII is a controllable camera tripod

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Battery Safety – The CE Mark

In the development of battery packs, the focus is often only on technical development. However, this alone does not go far enough. After all, new batteries require various certifications so that they can be placed on the market in compliance with the law. Worldwide, there is a multitude of different rules and regulations concerning the

header IEC certification

The standards of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) are among the most important groups of standards for the certification and safety of electronic products. They include both cells and batteries and span primary cells, secondary cells, battery packs and portable device batteries. In addition to the requirements for the devices and central rules for the

Header "UL certifications - the key to the US market"

The standards in the North American market are set by Underwriter Laboratories (UL). UL is an independent US private company, one of the oldest testing institutes in the world, which published the first standard in 1903. Unlike the IEC/CB method, which does not use a test mark, UL has a test mark and a database

Header UN 38.3 test

There are various certifications that are relevant when dealing with batteries. On the one hand, this includes the UN38.3 transport test, which concerns the transport safety of lithium batteries. This test is a must as soon as batteries are shipped. On the other hand, there are certifications that, although not mandatory, confirm the safety of

In the consumer sector, the decision for the right battery is made quickly. There are standard batteries which fit in consumer applications. However, in the industrial or medical technology sector, the situation is different. For these applications, “off-the-shelf” batteries are often not suitable. There are special requirements concerning safety or space. The solution: individually developed

The topic of component shortage is omnipresent. Nowadays, almost every electronic component is affected. The reasons? There are various of them and they include supply problems, as well as, correspondingly, the availability of the components. Others can be traced back to digitization, resulting in an increased number of final products and, due to this, a

Nowadays, Christmas without quartz crystals is unimaginable! Why? Even the modern time switches for outdoor lighting need a quartz to have an accurate time base. Also, a lot of our gifts are based on state-of-the-art electronics. Cell phones, smartwatches, PCs – they all need highly accurate frequency giving components to communicate with each other. Without

Do you already know the similarity between a quartz blank and a pillow? Exactly! Both have the same shape. The so-called “bevelling” or “contouring” in the production process of quartz blanks results in the characteristic lens shape of quartz blanks. “This procedure is mainly used for ‘thicker’ blanks, which are in the low frequency range,

What you always wanted to know about quartz crystals, but didn’t dare ask until now … – Why does a quartz crystal have to be hermetically sealed? At the end of the complex production of a quartz, or rather the small quartz disc, the quartz blank, it has to be mounted in a housing that

A blender in a kitchen

“If Apple made a blender, this would be it” – the British-American online news portal Mashable nailed it. When it comes to aesthetics and product design, the blender “Millo”, created by the Lithuanian start-up Millo Appliances, is very close to the great idol from Cupertino. Besides its award-winning design, the technology behind “Millo” is particularly

Mann mit Hemd

TCXO: How it works and why

A TCXO is a temperature-compensated crystal oscillator that is used whenever particularly high stability within a variant temperature environment is required, i.e. when the frequency deviation of the oscillator must be minimal over its entire operating temperature range. Oscillators using AT quartz crystal plates, so called “blanks”, are the most economical solution to create a

The boom of quartz watches in the 70s has shown: When it comes to precise time recording, there is nothing better than quartz crystals! This is no different today. Frequency control products with the characteristic frequency of 32.768 kHz can be found in almost all applications with integrated time measurement, e.g. laptops, mobile phones or

Two men analyze an electronic circuit

Many engineers do not spend much thought on quartz crystals while designing their oscillator circuit. For them, it is a standard feature that will work anyway. In fact, it’s not that simple. The oscillator circuit sets the heartbeat of the application and requires a careful matching between the quartz crystal and its other components. Otherwise

Ein Kernspintomograph im Krankenhaus

Northh Medical, a MedTech start-up founded in 2017 in the German city of Hamburg, focuses on early detection of congenital heart defects of unborn children in the womb. “Especially in the last weeks of pregnancy, routinely conducted ultrasonographic cardiac imaging reaches its limits,” says Dr. Christian Ruprecht, one of the founders. That’s why Ruprecht and

Gabelstapler im Logistikzentrum

Online-shoppers have long since become accustomed to being able to trace the route of their package from the sender to their front door. Tracking goods in real time is part of everyday life in the mail order business and is now also finding its way into warehouse logistics. Manufacturing companies need to be aware of

Man with fishing pole in the harbour

Fishing is one of the most relaxed hobbies you can imagine. Just cast out your line and hope a fish will take the hook. Sometimes however, the angler’s patience is not rewarded and he has to return home without having caught anything. If you want to avoid this disappointment and don’t want to rely on

Jauch Quartz at Villingen City Run

Last Sunday, the City Run Villingen took place for the 14th time. Almost 2600 runners populated the 2.3-kilometre round through the old town of Villingen. Jauch also participated with 14 runners who were busy doing their laps in optimal running weather. Inspired by the cheering and the live music at the edge of the track,

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Das Lager der Jauch Quartz GmvH in Villingen-Schwenningen

24 million quartz crystals, oscillators and MEMS components are stored at the Jauch Headquarters in Germany, on average of course! This makes the medium-sized company from the Black Forest one of the world’s largest warehouses for frequency control products. The main advantage of the large stock is speed. Often, components from Jauch’s broad portfolio are

Jauch Gruppenbild electronica 2018

The biggest electronica of all time took place last week in Munich. The world’s leading trade fair for electronics attracted 80,000 visitors, more than ten percent increase compared to the last show in 2016! Visitors from 80 countries used the four days of the fair to exchange ideas with more than 3,100 exhibitors in 17

Jauch Trade Fairs Autumn 2018

Three months, eight trade shows, six countries – that’s how you could summarize autumn 2018 at Jauch. From America, across Europe to Asia, the Jauch Group is represented at around 20 exhibitions every year; most taking place in spring and fall. “Trade fairs are an important part of our marketing and sales activities. The trade

electronica, the world’s leading trade fair for electronics, will get to the bottom of this question from 13th to 16th November 2018 in Munich, Germany. electronica is the place to go to see what components, systems or applications make new developments possible. As one of 3,000 exhibitors, Jauch Quartz GmbH from Villingen-Schwenningen will present their

Jauch's first headquarters in Villingen-Schwenningen 1954

When he founded the company in 1954, Herbert Christian Jauch probably would not have thought it possible, employees of his company can now be found all over the world to provide rhythm, energy, frequency control and battery solutions.  In Paris, London, Seattle and many other cities around the world, everyone at Jauch has a passion




Frequency Control Components: 0049 77 20 / 9 45-322
Battery Technology: 0049 77 20 / 9 45-323
Corporate Headquarters: 0049 77 20 / 9 45-0


Jauch Quartz GmbH
In der Lache 24
78056 Villingen-Schwenningen