Ein Feuerwerhmann benutzt eine Wärmebildkamera. Im Hintergrund ist ein Feuerwehrauto zu sehen und es sprühen Funken

Everybody knows the emergency number for the fire department. And probably everyone hopes they are never forced to dial it. But in fact, this happens more often than you might think. This is shown by current statistics from the German Fire Brigade Association. According to these, the fire department was called out around 700 times

Gabelstapler im Logistikzentrum

Online-shoppers have long since become accustomed to being able to trace the route of their package from the sender to their front door. Tracking goods in real time is part of everyday life in the mail order business and is now also finding its way into warehouse logistics. Manufacturing companies need to be aware of

Man with fishing pole in the harbour

Fishing is one of the most relaxed hobbies you can imagine. Just cast out your line and hope a fish will take the hook. Sometimes however, the angler’s patience is not rewarded and he has to return home without having caught anything. If you want to avoid this disappointment and don’t want to rely on