Summer is now slowly getting underway in Germany and we are all looking forward to the high temperatures. But have you ever thought about what this means for your battery-powered device? The heat has a significant impact on the performance and lifespan of batteries in portable devices such as smartphones, laptops and cameras. In this

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Header 3D-Drucker

A new machine is improving our sample and prototype construction in Villingen-Schwenningen – although calling it a ‘machine’ may be stretching it 😊. Instead, what we have is a 3D printer, which brings a number of advantages: both our customers and our own in-house staff now benefit from greater speed and flexibility when it comes

Header "UL certifications - the key to the US market"

The standards in the North American market are set by Underwriter Laboratories (UL). UL is an independent US private company, one of the oldest testing institutes in the world, which published the first standard in 1903. Unlike the IEC/CB method, which does not use a test mark, UL has a test mark and a database

Header UN 38.3 test

There are various certifications that are relevant when dealing with batteries. On the one hand, this includes the UN38.3 transport test, which concerns the transport safety of lithium batteries. This test is a must as soon as batteries are shipped. On the other hand, there are certifications that, although not mandatory, confirm the safety of

Development of a battery-pack

A standardized battery fits into any compatible compartment – after all, that’s why standards are defined. Depending on the application, however, button cells and cylindrical batteries reach their limits. A Smartwatch, for example, has a significantly higher energy consumption than an ordinary wristwatch. A simple button cell is therefore far from sufficient to cover the