Rhythm and energy are the forces that move and drive the world. Our world at Jauch is particularly influenced by these impulses. Frequency control products and battery solutions determine our everyday life and give us rhythm and energy every day. Above all, our employees are the factors which make Jauch a very special company.

In our blog we will take you on a journey through our products, employees and the Jauch corporate culture to give you exciting insights behind the scenes of the Jauch Group. We look forward to sharing with you!

header picture quartz production

The previous blog post entitled: Ask the Product Manager: Are real rock crystals used for production of oscillating quartz crystals? covered the initial stages in the production of these small clocks. Quartz is artificially grown in autoclaves, reaching a weight of several kilos. From this point, however, we are still a few production stages away

Header UN 38.3 test

There are various certifications that are relevant when dealing with batteries. On the one hand, this includes the UN38.3 transport test, which concerns the transport safety of lithium batteries. This test is a must as soon as batteries are shipped. On the other hand, there are certifications that, although not mandatory, confirm the safety of

SiO2 – this is the chemical name of the base material for oscillating quartz crystals. The formula shows that it is composed of only two elements: silicon and oxygen. We also find SiO2 in its crystalline form in the nature: as natural rock crystals. Here, the question arises: Are real rock crystals used for production

The topic of permanent development has a high priority at Jauch. Not only with regard to our products and services, but also internally we are continuously working on it. During the last months, as an example, we have further developed the Logistics department (Incoming Goods, Warehouse and Shipping) and implemented new working methods and processes.

In the consumer sector, the decision for the right battery is made quickly. There are standard batteries which fit in consumer applications. However, in the industrial or medical technology sector, the situation is different. For these applications, “off-the-shelf” batteries are often not suitable. There are special requirements concerning safety or space. The solution: individually developed

The topic of component shortage is omnipresent. Nowadays, almost every electronic component is affected. The reasons? There are various of them and they include supply problems, as well as, correspondingly, the availability of the components. Others can be traced back to digitization, resulting in an increased number of final products and, due to this, a

Nowadays, Christmas without quartz crystals is unimaginable! Why? Even the modern time switches for outdoor lighting need a quartz to have an accurate time base. Also, a lot of our gifts are based on state-of-the-art electronics. Cell phones, smartwatches, PCs – they all need highly accurate frequency giving components to communicate with each other. Without

When developing battery packs, the question arises as to which safety system the pack should be equipped with. Is a Protection Circuit Module (PCM) sufficient? Or should a Battery Management System (BMS) be integrated? What are the differences between the mechanisms? And what advantages and functions does which protection mechanism offer? The answer here, as

Lithium thionyl chloride (LiSOCl2) batteries are special in many ways; with 3.6 volts, they have the highest cell voltage of any primary batteries available. They are also extremely durable and can be safely stored for long periods of time. This excellent shelf life is the result of another special feature of LiSOCl2 batteries called “passivation”.

Ein Kernspintomograph im Krankenhaus

Northh Medical, a MedTech start-up founded in 2017 in the German city of Hamburg, focuses on early detection of congenital heart defects of unborn children in the womb. “Especially in the last weeks of pregnancy, routinely conducted ultrasonographic cardiac imaging reaches its limits,” says Dr. Christian Ruprecht, one of the founders. That’s why Ruprecht and

Gabelstapler im Logistikzentrum

Online-shoppers have long since become accustomed to being able to trace the route of their package from the sender to their front door. Tracking goods in real time is part of everyday life in the mail order business and is now also finding its way into warehouse logistics. Manufacturing companies need to be aware of

Lithium polymer batteries are tested according to UN 38.3

January 1st, 2020 was an important date for anyone shipping lithium cells or batteries. From that date forward, all shippers must be able to provide a test summary proving the products shipping have passed the UN 38.3 test for the transport of lithium batteries. This regulation applies to all modes of transport and it applies

Man with fishing pole in the harbour

Fishing is one of the most relaxed hobbies you can imagine. Just cast out your line and hope a fish will take the hook. Sometimes however, the angler’s patience is not rewarded and he has to return home without having caught anything. If you want to avoid this disappointment and don’t want to rely on

Viktor Sichwardt, Jauch-expert for lithium-polymer batteries

Whether you speak of lead-acid, alkaline or lithium batteries, none of them can work without a separator which parts the positively and negatively charged electrodes. The separator prevents direct contact between the two poles and thus avoids a short circuit of the battery. It is therefore considered the essential safety feature of a cell. Even

Lithium-Thionylchlorid-Batterien der Marke "Jauch"

Lithium thionyl chloride batteries (Li/SOClâ‚‚) belong to the lithium primary cell family. Unlike lithium ion or lithium polymer batteries, these cells cannot be recharged once they have been discharged. However, due to their long lifetime, this characteristic is of little importance in everyday use. In fact, lithium thionyl chloride batteries supply power to applications for

Development of a battery-pack

A standardized battery fits into any compatible compartment – after all, that’s why standards are defined. Depending on the application, however, button cells and cylindrical batteries reach their limits. A Smartwatch, for example, has a significantly higher energy consumption than an ordinary wristwatch. A simple button cell is therefore far from sufficient to cover the

Jauch Frequency Control Products

“Frequency control products have become indispensable in our daily lives. Without them, we would not be able to tell the exact time, the washing machine would not know when the laundry is ready, and in traffic, we could not safely turn left because the turn signal would not work. We are proud to be able

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Frequency Control Components: 0049 77 20 / 9 45-322
Battery Technology: 0049 77 20 / 9 45-323
Corporate Headquarters: 0049 77 20 / 9 45-0


Jauch Quartz GmbH
In der Lache 24
78056 Villingen-Schwenningen