Rhythm and energy are the forces that move and drive the world. Our world at Jauch is particularly influenced by these impulses. Frequency control products and battery solutions determine our everyday life and give us rhythm and energy every day. Above all, our employees are the factors which make Jauch a very special company.

In our blog we will take you on a journey through our products, employees and the Jauch corporate culture to give you exciting insights behind the scenes of the Jauch Group. We look forward to sharing with you!

Do you already know the similarity between a quartz blank and a pillow? Exactly! Both have the same shape. The so-called “bevelling” or “contouring” in the production process of quartz blanks results in the characteristic lens shape of quartz blanks. “This procedure is mainly used for ‘thicker’ blanks, which are in the low frequency range,

Charging Process: Lithium-batteries are charged with constant current until a voltage of 4.2 V is reached at the cells. Next, the voltage is kept constant, and charging continues for a certain time. The charger then switches off further charging either after a preset time or when a minimum current is reached. In the rare event

What you always wanted to know about quartz crystals, but didn’t dare ask until now … – Why does a quartz crystal have to be hermetically sealed? At the end of the complex production of a quartz, or rather the small quartz disc, the quartz blank, it has to be mounted in a housing that

What special features are there to consider when designing-in a lithium polymer cell? An important point, according to battery expert Dr JĂĽrgen Heydecke, is certainly the so-called “swelling”, the natural swelling of a lithium polymer cell in a fully charged state and over cycles. A fully charged cell is thicker than a discharged one. During

Ein Feuerwerhmann benutzt eine Wärmebildkamera. Im Hintergrund ist ein Feuerwehrauto zu sehen und es sprühen Funken

Everybody knows the emergency number for the fire department. And probably everyone hopes they are never forced to dial it. But in fact, this happens more often than you might think. This is shown by current statistics from the German Fire Brigade Association. According to these, the fire department was called out around 700 times

Electronic Locking Cylinder

Electronic locking cylinders have long since replaced mechanical locks in many companies. Not the key, but the transponder or key card is granting access to the company building. In private homes, too, the trend is moving towards the electronic lock. Depending on the product and manufacturer, door locks can even be opened by cell phone.

Two hands hlding a tray of lithium polymer batteries

Lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries currently set the standards in the battery market in terms of performance, cell voltage and service life. While lithium ion batteries are thought to power the vast majority of our cars in the future, lithium polymer batteries are already supplying power to our mobile phones and laptops today. Both cell types

A blender in a kitchen

“If Apple made a blender, this would be it” – the British-American online news portal Mashable nailed it. When it comes to aesthetics and product design, the blender “Millo”, created by the Lithuanian start-up Millo Appliances, is very close to the great idol from Cupertino. Besides its award-winning design, the technology behind “Millo” is particularly

cargo plane at takeoff

Lithium batteries and battery cells are classified as dangerous goods class 9, just like liquid nitrogen, for example. The legal requirements for safe transport are correspondingly high. Whether by rail, road or air, the eligibility of lithium cell or battery shipments is regulated by the transport test 38.3 of the United Nations. A shipment is

Sortiment der Lithium-Polymer-Batterien von Jauch

One thing is for sure: lithium battery technology is currently leading the way in the field of mobile power supply. Just look in your pocket: There is no smartphone that is not powered by a lithium polymer battery. Since the Swedish mobile phone provider Ericsson launched the first mobile phone with a lithium polymer battery

GrĂĽner Frosch vor weiĂźem Hintergrund

In the year 1800, Italian physicist Alessandro Volta presented his latest invention to the Royal Society in London. His Voltaic Pile was the first battery. For the first time, a permanent flow of electricity could be created and held over a long period; a scientific sensation that paved the way into the electric age. The

Can you still imagine living your day-to-day life without the mobile power supply that a battery provides? Our lives would be far less safe, accurate, and simple. Our phones would still be attached to a cord. The smartphones that allow us to make calls to anywhere would be inconceivable. We’d have to open the garage

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Frequency Control Components: 0049 77 20 / 9 45-322
Battery Technology: 0049 77 20 / 9 45-323
Corporate Headquarters: 0049 77 20 / 9 45-0


Jauch Quartz GmbH
In der Lache 24
78056 Villingen-Schwenningen