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Jauch Quartz America Increases Rep Network in North America

Jauch Quartz America are pleased to announce that they are continuing to grow their sales network in North America with the signing of two new technical sales representatives.

SkyTek Components Canada Inc, based in Ontario, will cover all of Canada for both frequency products and lithium batteries. Sandy Saini, Regional Director stated
“We are excited and proud to represent Jauch. The leaders in frequency products and battery solutions. A great company with amazing products and people!”

Atlantic Tech Marketing, based in Maryland, will cover Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, N & S Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and Washington DC
for both frequency products and lithium batteries. Adam Cohen, CEO said “Atlantic Tech is enthusiastic to begin our sales partnership with Jauch. In the push for miniaturization and
less power consumption, Jauch’s frequency control and battery product solutions lend itself well to the market.”.

These signings increase the Jauch Quartz America representative network to 26 U.S States, Canada and all of Central and South America.


Published: 06.09.2023

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